Known Issues with the site! | Forum

MaryD Admin
MaryD Jan 31 '16

Please post your issues or typos in this thread and they will be looked into.  

Please keep issues or typos to this thread only!

Please do not start new threads....  Thank You!

MaryD Admin
MaryD Feb 23 '16

I haven't gotten 2 reports of this site sending multiple same emails to user accounts.

I believe I've figured out what's wrong:

The Cron settings which tells the server when to send out emails were marked wrong.
So sorry it was my mistake when I setup the site.
I fixed the issue and the repeated emails should of stop. 

Please let me know, if they did not!

Also you can tell the site whether or not you want to be email at:

MaryD Admin
MaryD May 25 '16
Got an error when I tried to remove someone as role of team member in the Admin section.  Tried it again, and it worked the 2nd time around.  My guess it's was a temporary database connection issue. 
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